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One Room Challenge- Week 3 Master Closet Makeover

**This post may contain affiliate links, which cost you nothing extra, but help me buy gas for future IKEA trips.**

Solo trip to IKEA for my master closet makeover was everything I hoped it would be and more.

Just to recap, week 1 I selected my master closet for the One Room Challenge makeover.

Week 2 I introduced you to my Wayfair Rug that was the color inspiration and the IKEA Rast dressers that warranted a trip to IKEA.

One Room Challenge, Master bedroom makeover
Look at the beautiful rug I scored from Wayfair!!

The very next day at 6:30am, I did the 3 hour drive north to the mothership, IKEA. It was a SUPER risky move considering the remnants of Hurricane Michael had just swept through knocking out power in the area. Needless to say, IKEA was empty and I had nothing but time and a list on my side. I may need to schedule more solo trips to IKEA.

On a side note, IKEA made its transition to decorating for the holiday and winter trends. Dark navy, burgundy, deep jade, and classic plaid are strategically styled throughout. There are touches of faux fur, brushed brass, and dark leather.  Giving a nod to the masculine customers who are probably being dragged through the store. If you’re looking for trends for the holiday and winter months, now is the time to start looking.

Armed with my two Rast dressers and a couple impulse buys, I did the return 3 hour trek home. Some call it crazy, I call it a field trip. Complete with carpool karaoke and the discovery that not all Chick Fil A’s have the good ice.

Time for my favorite part: DEMO DAY!!!

I always feel like that scene from “Office Space” when I get to take out the darn wire racks. Then of course there was TONS of patching all the holes the wire racks left, but it’s amazing to see the blank canvas.

Moving forward with the closet design meant I would need to build the Rast dressers, and boy I am glad I did. I totally had to scrap my original plan and go back to the drawing board.  My vision for the master closet makeover is for it to have a feel and a mood. I know that it may sound crazy because it’s a closet, but I felt like it can be so much more.

Then it clicked.

A shift of everything and I am in LOVE! I modified the Rast dresser when I built them and have further modifications in mind. I built a platform to raise the dressers which will allow for shoe storage. I’m also adding a counter for items like my jewelry, perfume and other pretties.

DIY tip: nail guns are your friend.

Before I secure anything in the wall, I need to see what it was going to look like before I add anymore holes. By using my nail gun I temporarily secured the supports for the bottom shelf. This temporary hold acts like a second set of hands when I’m working by myself.

Ryobi Brad Nailer

Now that I finally have the design settled, it’s time to paint, stain and install the rest of the shelving. Also, the light from IKEA was not going to cut it, there’s a reason it was so much cheaper than the one I saw from Home Depot. I’m on the hunt for a statement light that’s inexpensive.

Maser closet makeover
Sometimes I need to just sit in a space and just “be”.

Can’t wait to show you the progress next week!



Be sure to check out the other spaces in the One Room Challenge!


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