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Clutter Free Home Organization

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The beginning of the year brings hope of making life better. Be it through fitness, eating better, getting finances in order, and being more organized. While I am a firm believer that you don’t have to wait until the beginning of a new year to make these changes, the energy is undeniably intense. Many of the people that follow Cribbs Style on Facebook were ecstatic when I announced that I would start a weekly clutter free home organization challenge again this year! In this challenge I break down each area of the house weekly and provide tips for each of those spaces. Within the group we brainstorm, ask for assistance, and share our successes.

Organization, home organization, clutter free, stress free home.
Make this your best year yet!

The weekly break down of the spaces are as follows:

1) Playroom/ Toys          7)Kids Bedroom          13)Dining Room

2)Office                           8)Guest Room             14)Pantry

3)Master Closet             9)Bathrooms                15)Kitchen

4)Kids Closet                10)Laundry Room         16)Vehicle

5)Linen Closet              11)Drop Zone                 17)Garage

6)Master Bedroom       12)Living Room

(Eventually when we address all of these spaces, you’ll be able to connect to them here as well.)

I told you how to avoid 5 Common Organizing Pitfalls, it’s important to keep those in mind as you’re plugging along. I want this challenge to be a successful one. Although the name has a lot of truth as it will be a “challenge”, a doable challenge but a challenge none the less. The most important thing to do is have a good plan when you enter into your space and I’m including a handy checklist to use as you enter each space. If you don’t want to use a bunch of paper towels, I love using reusable cleaning cloths, and I can’t forget to mention my favorite Mrs. Meyer’s cleaner. How clean you want to get the spaces is entirely up to you, but since you have everything pulled out, it wouldn’t hurt to give everything a quick wipe down.

I am super excited to get this year started in the right direction. If you have any questions, or need further assistance do not hesitate to reach out! If you would like these and any future printables sent to your email, don’t forget to sign up HERE.

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