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Clutter Free Home Challenge- Kids Closet

**This post contains affiliate links that are at no additional cost to you, but allow me to buy more hangers.**

I’ll never forget when we first had the girls and it seemed like we were constantly switching out their clothes, especially the first year. Even to this day, almost 10 years later, we have clothes waiting for my younger daughter; the clothes she hasn’t grown into yet. How we handle the kiddos clothes just slightly differs from how we handle our adult clothes, that is until they stop growing.

Clutter free, storage solutions, organization
Clutter free home organization challenge- kid closet.

In the post I did about the master closet, I recommended using an extended hanging rod. The extended hanging rod helps to double up the hanging space, which is a huge space saver since kids clothes don’t take up all that much space. The extended hanging rod is also helpful for when you have more than one child sharing a room and closet.

Or another option, is to use the space at the bottom of the closet to store toys and you can read more about toy storage suggestions here.

Keep a bin or basket in the closet for all those clothes that the kiddos have outgrown. I swear it happens over night. What fit last week doesn’t fit this week and usually it’s when my kiddo is getting ready do they make this discovery. Having a place to put those items will help you down the road. Just make sure you label it so the little one knows it’s not for dirty clothes, but clothes that don’t fit.

Like I said earlier, the first year when you have a baby you go through clothing sizes in what feels like warp speed. I would have loved to have these closet tags to organize the girls clothes by months to make it a little easier to see what we had. You could also use the tags to mark seasons or even who the clothes belong to when multiple children share a closet.

Easily see the clothing size with these tags.

Listen to what they say about clothes.  I loved dressing the girls when they were younger like they were real life dolls. As the girls grew up, they started expressing that they didn’t like certain articles of clothing and not necessary they didn’t like the color, but they didn’t like the fabric. This was especially more of an issue with my younger child as she seemed to be sensitive to certain kinds of fabric and where seams touched her body. My reluctancy to really listen to her caused many mornings of fights. One example is that she didn’t like the way jeans felt and as a result, I stopped buying her jeans. There was no point in purchasing something she was going to refuse to wear and would just sit in her closet. It may be a good idea to consider a capsule closet for your child and you can read about how to start one here.

When they’re little it may be easier to fold a majority of their clothes and keep them in the dresser and you could even keep the dresser in the closet until they’re older. They do make velvet child hangers like I recommended for the adults, but it may be too grippy for the little ones to handle if they’re the ones who are taking their clothes off of their hangers.

To save ourselves frustration, we have the girls pick out their school clothes the night before. We’ve also used the system to pick out clothes for the whole week if need be, and stored them in a hanging organizer similar to the one below.

closet organization, clothing storage, storage solutions
Store a weeks worth of clothing in something like this.

 Don’t be afraid to modify your kids closets to meet their immediate needs. When we moved into our new house the closet in the girls room was not set up for hanging clothes. I removed shelving, added a hanging bar, and added upper shelving for storage.

Kids closets have a tendency to be a little more packed because they have multiple clothing sizes at once. This is where it may be important to utilize all available space and even make space of your own. Listen to what it is that they feel comfortable in and maybe consider less options so picking out clothing isn’t so overwhelming.

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Closet organization, storage solution, kids closets, kid closet organization
Tips and tricks to organize your kids closets.

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