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$100 Room Challenge- Hall Closet on a Budget Week 3


**This post may contain affiliate links, which cost you nothing additional, but help me to organize more closets in my home.**

No better feeling when you’re on a tight budget, to use supplies you have on hand. Especially when its paint and stain.

At the time of week 2, my future in this challenge was up in the air because we were bracing for Hurricane Florence.  While we thankfully didn’t have any direct impact, I have many friends who did. My thoughts and prayers go out to those effected during this time.

I could already tell that by adding the shelves in the hall closet, that we had drastically improved the space. The next thing to do was to patch the holes left from the wire racks and get the space ready for paint. Between the wood which was $45.53, and the baskets for the socks to match the existing baskets at $25.02, there wasn’t a whole lot left in the $100 budget. I still needed to add hooks, of course paint, and figure out what to do with the shelving. Thankfully I had a ton of left over paint from when we’ve painted the interior of our house the last two years, that part of the project is FREE!

Storing paint in spaces that are not temperature controlled can actually damage any left over paint. Instead, I store left over paint in large Ball Mason Jars from Walmart

Budget DIY, Hall Closet Makeover
Ball Mason Jars make great storage for left over paint.

I copy the information from the paint can to a blank table and place the label on the jar lid. Not only is it effective, but also pretty to look at. I then store these jars in an unused kitchen cabinet.

I picked the color Geyser, which is a super light watery teal, to paint the inside of the closet including the supports for the shelves.

Budget DIY, $100 Room Challenge
Even before I was done, the girls wanted to use the hall closet anyway.

I purchased the hooks for the closet from Home Depot for $27.75, that did not leave much money in the budget. Actually all I have left is $1.70.

Liberty Hardware Venetian Bronze Pilltop Coat Hook


Next came deciding what to do with the wood shelving. At first I thought about painting them to match the walls, but then decided I wanted to do another finish and someone suggested contact paper. Since I didn’t have much left in the budget, I decided to stain them my color combination of Special Walnut and Weathered Gray  with a protective coat of polyurethane, all of which I already had on hand making it FREE. This is where it pays to have a bit of a DIY stash.

Budget DIY, $100 Room Challenge
Adding the hooks was a better use of the space.

Bummed I blew through my budget, this meant I was pretty much done with the space. I decided I needed to scour my space for anything else decorative I could do even though this is just a closet and the door would be shut a majority of the time. Unlike the inspiration pictures, our hallway of doors doesn’t allow for this particular door to remain open, but I still felt like the hall closet needed something else. Regardless, the space is SO MUCH better than it was when I started.



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