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How to throw an animal shelter quaranTeen birthday celebration

Kennedy’s birthday last February happened right before the world came to a screeching halt.

This year, we had to put our thinking caps on to come up with a unique and special way to safely celebrate Kennedy’s 14th birthday.

Courtney, Kelsey, and Kennedy

The Charleston Animal Society offers birthday parties!

Kennedy has a great love of animals and wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. After a little research, I was ecstatic to find that The Charleston Animal Society offers birthday celebrations! You can schedule a shelter visit for just your immediate family. If you’re not comfortable with coming to the facility, they can bring the party to you!

When we arrived at the facility, we were greeted by Kylie, Humane Education Manager. Kylie not only showed us around the animal shelter, but introduced us to the cats and dogs currently there.

Tom and I, he is so fluffy!

She took us to the education room where we met the resident education bunny Tom, and two very sweet dogs belonging to another member of the team. After Kylie introduced us to two new intake bunnies, a hamster, then brought in a couple very special guests.

Kelsey and Kennedy playing with the cute hamster.

Snuggle time!

She brought out a tiny feral kitty that they believe is young enough to be socialized and hopefully become adoptable. Kylie explained the importance of feral trapping, how the cats and kittens are fixed before they’re released back into the wild. I love the fact that they were trying so hard to give this kitty the chance of a different future.

Kennedy and the little kitty.

Since we came in the day before their Puppy Bowl, one of Charleston Animal Society’s fundraising events, we met Lyon and Paris. We actually saw these puppies come in earlier when their foster family brought them back to the shelter.

Kelsey and Kennedy with Paris and Lyon.

We definitely got our fill of kitty and puppy snuggles which is a dangerous territory for us since we are two time foster failure rescue dog parents. 😉

Look at this little face.

Kylie and the Charleston Animal Society went above and beyond.

Aside from the private tour of the facility and getting a chance to snuggle the adorable animals, they were so generous and gave Kennedy a t-shirt and a goodie bag. On top of that, Kennedy was able to pick out a stuffed animal and as an added bonus, named one of the newest intake kitties.

Kylie giving Kennedy her gifts.
Kennedy naming the newest kitty to the shelter, Essie

Meet Essie, the kitty Kennedy named

There was a very reasonable fee for the birthday visit which contributes to the Charleston Animal Society’s educational programs. They also offer a wide variety of services for the community and pet owners. When we mentioned that Kennedy wanted to be a Veterinarian, Kylie told us the shelter has a hands on Veterinarian summer camp.

We were so happy with the experience and Kennedy walked away with great birthday memories. In the process, we were able to learn valuable information and contribute to an organization helping animals like our own rescue pups.

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  1. I was Paris and Lyons foster mom. They are both in families now! Thanks for giving them some extra love on their one night in the shelter. 😍😍

    1. OMGness we saw you come in and it broke my heart!! Even in a short amount of time, animals can steal your heart. Those puppies were so calm and just awesome little beings while we were with them. Their furever family is so blessed, great job taking such good care of them!.

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