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Oops, We’re Doing It Again- Found A New House!

I talked about how we reprioritized our quest for a new house here, but what I didn’t tell you was that there was actually another house that we wanted prior to the one we bought here in South Carolina.

Here we go again!
Here we go again!

The first year we lived in Charleston, we rented and I’m super glad we did. It gave us a necessary breather and chance to re-evaluate our priorities.   When it was time to start looking for houses, we wanted something that was very “Charleston” and looked less like Ohio. Square footage didn’t need to be huge because we are rarely inside. We found a house, put in an offer that wasn’t accepted, and for reasons I cannot remember, we walked away and didn’t try to submit a new offer. We bought our Charleston single house instead in a pretty amazing neighborhood. We DIY’d our little hearts out switching out lights, painting, painting cabinets, and new landscaping.

Then one night three years later, it happened, that first house we looked at and loved ,was back on the market! After some minor begging, batting my baby blue eyes (some things just work), and pinky swearing I would stop looking at houses, we looked at that house. And I fell back in love, again. I love the fact that it’s a ranch with a FROG (finished room over the garage). The girls quickly claimed the FROG, what they are calling “the apartment”, as their own. It has an attached garage, which I have missed greatly and we don’t have with our current house. As a side note, this house is also falling into our Dave Ramsey plan as well. Don’t worry, we’ll get to that soon too.

The cottage close-ish to the sea.
The cottage close-ish to the sea.

The funny part about the new house is that it’s only 45 more square feet than our very first house and is 261 square feet less than our current house. I’m calling it our “Cottage Close(ish) to the Sea”. The house has one less bedroom and no half bath. (Cheers to less bathrooms to clean!!!!) We learned that square footage doesn’t matter, it’s the layout. This layout is perfect for us. It’s just enough and we won’t have any unused spaces like we have in our current house. Oh and there will be tons of potential projects which includes lots of painting. Tons actually. I know when most people found out we’re moving, they assumed that it’s to a bigger house. Even our realtor was perplexed, but like I’ve said before, bigger doesn’t always mean better. At least it doesn’t mean that for us.

The new house has a million other things that I just adore and will get into more once we have moved. We’ve started dreaming and our list of projects are written out. Most likely we’ll be jumping on the shiplap bandwagon, try our hand at board and batten, a kitchen update, and how we’re going to turn the girls bedroom into an underwater oasis. We’re getting everything finalized and almost close to the finish line. Adulting is hard and yucky at times. While I’m drooling over everyone talking about fall and seeing the fall decorations pop up, I’ll be over here swimming in a sea of boxes.

Movingly yours,



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